Close personal contact and attention is hallmark of the service provided.
Each person we represent will be informed each step of the way. The Service begins with close one on one meeting to understand not only the people we represent but each other. These meetings continue throughout the course of the representation and many people stay in touch long after we have concluded their case.
We advance all costs that may be part of the case including expert consultations, focus groups, graphic artists, animations, court reporter fees, jury fees, court costs and others. THERE IS NO FEE UNTIL THE CASE HAS BEEN SETTLED AND MONEY COLLECTED.
Based on our experience and results our fees are much lower than many other less experienced law firms. Because we only accept a few significant cases each year, we do not have a large overhead. We have access to some of the best research and writing attorneys to assist with complex legal issues.
Personal contact information is provided upon us being hired including cell phone, and email. Our work is an open book to those we represent and any and all documents are available for your review at any time once we are hired.